Join me for The Awakened Woman’s Transformation Program:
A Customized 1:1 Six Month Life Transforming Journey…
For women who are ready to take their life and business to the next level and women ready to create their legacy. Â
With private visionary guidance and confidant support from Maureen Simon
Reserve Your Place NowThis is for you if you are:
Ready and excited to create what’s next
A woman making a difference, who is aware that the world is undergoing major changes that can benefit all and wants to be apart of this change
Needing a new perspective, maybe a new Life Design
Interested in having the support of a very established, high-level professional confidant who will work energetically and with powerful envisioning techniques- to guide and support you

More about 'The Awakened Woman's Transformation Journey'
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I am a Visionary Guide who has worked with some of the most accomplished women in the world and I have decided to support a few women who are aware that big change is in the air. Are you ready to commit to Living and Leading Very Well in this whole new world?
What changes do you need to make to increase your relevance and enliven your life today?
This program is for women who are:
Committed to living in a new way with ease and grace without struggle
Ready to live more freely – consciously – by choice
Knows there is more to life and desires more flow and aligned choices.
Interested in exploring their life's mission or expanding upon the great work they've come here to do
Ready for more divine guidance, inner listening, synchronicities, and opportunities to come her way.
Desire more energy - more space to hear themselves and are committed to creating this.
Looking for a new perspective on life – a fresh take.
Are sensing - and seeing major changes unfold- in the world, and want to be a contributing part of what is unfolding
How will we work together:
The Awakened Women's Transformation Journey (six-month program) includes private 1:1 online mentorship with me personally (18 sessions total) on highly customized guidance calls.
The Program includes:
Three -1 hour and 15 minutes private 1:1 sessions per month for 6 months
Full access to my Life Force Activation MasterClass and Resources
A copy of my book – Awakening The Essential Feminine: Claiming Your Influential Power
Access to my 7-Day Life Force Activation Journey - which will help you to learn energetic tools to get you through these challenging times and turn challenges into opportunities.
Text access for our 6 months together
Access to the private Awakened Women's Transformation Journey Suite - a place to find a gold mine of resources on Awakening, Transformation, and Living Well
Over the next six months you will have the opportunity to:
design with clear intention and meaning, (from the inside out), your life- and business with a new excitement – to live well in today’s new world
explore your true reason for being here… at this most amazing time on earth and claim your next level of expansion
create rituals and life-enriching energetic practices to support you daily that include aligned living, the right use of free will and other universal principles
create a safe place for you to dream up what’s next as you now fully express yourself over 6 months – working directly together
move towards creating your legacy you want to leave
Because of the high caliber of customized support, retainers start at $2,200 monthly for 6 months. (For a very limited time - 50% discount is available). Apply below now. We will be in touch within a week to set up a call if you are a good fit. There are 3 places available and will fill within 3 weeks. Â
The Philosophy Behind “The
Awakened Woman Work”:
You are needed more than ever, it is time to show up and live well. I have created this work from the core of my soul to share with you and to guide you to what’s next in your life.
From my experience working with 1000’ s of women it is so clear to me that:
How we honor--
...our connection to what spiritually guides us, how we care for our body, look after the land and water, build towards self-sufficiency, create intentional community, live in truth, commit to living awake, prioritize living with freedom and sovereignty at the forefront of our lives, create a sacred living space, incorporate beauty in our homes and all areas of our life, value nature, live with joyful resources to uplift our spirit (gardens, music, movement, rhythm, gatherings with sisters and loved ones, regular time in nature and add your favorite life sparks) all contribute to living well. These all add to the creation of a high quality meaningful – fully expressed life.
When we are fully engaged in our life, we become fully alive. Creating and living this life is up to us. It’s time to become highly conscious and selective about how we live, who we spend time with, and what service and contribution we are here to make in this great world. To living alive and to being fully human.
Our work together includes working with the Whole You!
What About My ACTUAL Work- How Does This Fit Into Our Work Together? What can I expect?
All aspects of where you are today will be included in our work together. And yes, we can build out your business, help you with your exit strategy or support you to leave your personal legacy. We are working with the whole of you. Our work will focus on all areas of your life -as you are a whole woman. The transformation journey we will share for 6 months goes far beyond your work but can include it. Your life has a meaning- we will explore this together and take steps towards creating a fully alive life with meaning.
What Does “Becoming Awakened" Mean?
We are living in a new world. Becoming Awakened includes living with intention, consciously- as you show up and contribute at the highest level you are here to contribute. When you live intentionally you will live well, at a new vibrational level. Ease and grace will be more available to you. People in your life and work will understand you better and align with you and what you are here to create. Your home life, work life, and time with your – family- will become more integrated – easier as you begin to show up authentically. You live truer to yourself. Life overall will make more sense.
Why Do You Believe That Women Need To Step Up and Provide Leadership In The World Now?
We, women, have powerful attributes that the world needs now more than ever before. The Earth and world are regrouping – moving towards greater harmony and balance. Increased light is falling on the Earth. Women are the givers of birth and naturally hold powerful feminine attributes that can contribute greatly to the direction the world is now moving in. In addition, many scientists believe that, that the female brain structure places us in a powerful position to lead what’s next in our world. I cover this in my book and principles from the book can be shared in our work together. I introduced the concept of the importance of The Essential Feminine in changing our world for the better- a few years back. Thousands have read my book, and many have completed the Awakening Work. I wrote a book describing the 26 feminine attributes, that I can see, the world needs today to reach a place of equity, harmony, and peace.
I can see now that she is here to guide us now more than ever. You have probably felt the awakening taking place on the planet. She is leading it. When we tune into your powerful feminine attributes, create a home or place that is sacred and supportive, work in satisfying ways that allow our gifts to shine, find new collaborative ways of working, and call on our intuition and inner guidance to support us, we Live Well and all the lives we touch are enriched.
How Does The Essential Feminine Come Into The Work We Will Do Together? And What Is The Essential Feminine?
I introduced the concept of the importance of “ The Essential Feminine” in changing our world for the better- a few years back and thousands have read my book and done the Awakening work. I can see that she is here to guide us now more than ever. I wrote a book describing the 26 feminine attributes that the world needs today to reach a place of equity, harmony, and peace.
You have probably felt the awakening taking place on the planet. She is leading it. When we tune into your powerful feminine attributes, create a home or place that is sacred and supportive, work in satisfying ways that allow our gifts to shine, find new collaborative ways of working, and call on our intuition and inner guidance to support you, you live a richer and more fulfilling life.
With all challenge comes opportunity.
What opportunities await you?
I am here to support you.


Some of the feedback I have received:
“Such sacred and beautiful work. I felt rejuvenated. I found the clearing techniques especially useful. I feel so much lighter and ready to move forward”.
“I have found the work to be amazing. Maureen was very much in synch with where I currently am in my personal awakening and growth. I found the techniques so powerful. She really delivered a very deep holistic concept in such a gentle but strong and powerful way. It was brilliant! So much to process and I know it is still unraveling”!
“I have far more insight and belief in myself”.
I am here to help people to fully embody the reason they are here, to reach their full potential, and to Live well as they fully enjoy their life.
I do hope you will join me on this six-month journey to Living Well in a Living Awake in this whole new world.

About Me and My Reason for Being Here:
For more than 20 years, I have worked with 1000’s of women in business internationally, consulting side by side with them as they grow their businesses and live their best holistic life. My work includes both the metaphysical applied to focused, grounded outcomes for today’s changing world. I have always walked with a foot in each world. It has proved to be an advantage.
Every day I awake with the intention of leaving that day
better than I found it. My core values are to contribute
my gifts to a more equitable and caring world and to
support The Human Being through these new times. I believe we are, together creating The New Earth, and are being asked to be strong, clear, and tuned into the world
around us as we make a difference.
There is more light showering onto the planet now than
has ever been scientifically measured before. This light
is available to you in the form of increased energy.
I have learned many energetic and alignment techniques
that have guided me that I now share in my work. We are
in the midst of a major awakening. I am here to support
women to fully Awaken to who they are when they are
fully expressed and to help them fully express these
gifts as they, Live Very Well.
What Informs My Work:
My work is not based on a religion, but on solid universal principles that include living with -care, compassion, the ability to receive and give, and making a contribution as we Live Well in this Whole New World. My work is informed by a solid personal meditation and contemplation practice, a working knowledge of the science of Ayurveda, and a lifelong background in Celtic Spirituality and traditional Celtic practices and rituals. I believe that unless the human awakens to, and claims our sentient nature, intelligence, sensitivity, inner knowing, and powers, that we know and love about us humans, the human may not be around for long. Women will lead us to the Awakening and Harmony needed on Earth today.

Who is this program perfect for?
âť– have done inner inquiry work and are ready to take their life to the next level
âť– could benefit from guidance in creating what's next in business and life
âť– is aware of the fact that something big is happening on the planet
âť– wants to be a part of the great awakening in a meaningful way
âť– knows she is here to make a difference
âť– has a connection to her spirituality
Can you say more about some of the specifics that we will cover?
âť– how to stop living in fear of the unknown
âť– how to move from a fear of making a change: to a highly Activated Life Force
âť– how to create a fully valued aligned life
âť– how to create a life of sovereignty- and empowerment
âť– how the unknown and deep uncertainty-are our greatest teachers
âť– how to create opportunities out of YOUR specific challenges
âť– how to transform a lack of focus and clarity into clear intentional living
âť– how to envision and embody what’s right and next for you before it arrives
âť– how to create and manifest what’s next: born from your envisioning and focused intention.

What People Say About Our Work Together:

Robert G. Allen
"Maureen has an incredible talent for inspiring, motivating, supporting, teaching and challenging women from all over the world in ways that enable them to propel their business to unimaginable NEW levels of success and growth."

Leslie Danziger
"What was important to me was her commitment and experience in both the business arena and in the spiritual world. In other words, she works by integrating your whole life, by bringing that spiritual element of yourself into your business endeavours."

Yosh Han
"Working with Maureen Simon is transformative. She has the ability to address energy blocks in a manner that helps me to be pro-active with my growth. I feel like I am able to be my best self and produce work that reflects this integrity."

Banner Art Created By-
Benjamin Von Wong